About Us

Our History...

Brit Yosef Yitzchak was founded in 1989 by Rabbi Yaron Amit through the guidance and blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

With the fall of the Iron Curtain, many previously persecuted Jews were finally given the opportunity to establish their Covenant with G-d in the same manner as Abraham their father. Jews were finally offered a chance to renew their bond with G-d and their Jewish heritage, something that was heretofore inconceivable. Adults and children alike were in desperate need of fulfilling this fundamental commitment to their faith. The exodus of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Russia to Israel awoke a new dawn. The yearning of these newly arrived immigrants from the former Soviet Union was the seed which sprouted forth into Brit Yosef Yitzchak.

On the shoulders of its single original founder, Brit Yosef Yitzchak has grown into a multinational organization.

Together with its many international partners and various offices, Brit Yosef Yitzchak and its hundreds of Mohalim have performed Brit Milah (ritual circumcision) on Jews around the world. To date BYY has performed more than 27,000 Brit Milah procedures in over 235 cities around the world. Headquartered in Israel, BYY has permanent staff in Israel, the former Soviet Union, and the United States.

Mission Statement

Brit Yosef Yitzchak is an international organization dedicated to connecting Jews with their heritage in the most fundamental way, by promoting, facilitating and performing the Mitzvah of Brit Milah (ritual circumcision) for Jewish males worldwide.

Brit Yosef Yitzchak believes that no Jewish male should be deprived the opportunity of having a Brit Milah and, as such, is committed to providing a Brit Milah for any Jew anywhere, free of charge.

Our Accomplishments

Brit Yosef Yitzchak has reached remarkable milestones in providing global Brit Milah support and services. Here are some of our standout accomplishments:


Global Support for Brit Milah

Brit Yosef Yitzchak is more than a network of Mohalim conducting Brit Milah. We are the only organization in the world that provides cultural, customized, and financial support to individuals, families, communities, and organizations undergoing, involved in, or associated with all aspects of this necessary Mitzvah. We provide this support on a global level. Participants don’t need to come to us; we go to them.


Educational and Spiritual Reconnection

Brit Yosef Yitzchak also supplies educational pamphlets and materials in many languages to help participants understand the procedure and Mitzvah. Adults who undergo a bris are reconnected with their Jewish Heritage. During this reawakening, we supply religious articles including prayer books, Tefillin, prayer shawls/Tallit, festival products such as Matzah and Haggadas for Passover, and Menorahs for Chanukah—all free of charge.


Reaching Uncircumcised Jews Worldwide

According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, there are some 250,000 uncircumcised Jews living in Israel. We estimate more than that in the United States, and many times that number in Russia and the surrounding nations. It is these areas where the bulk of Britot take place. Currently, most referrals are done through religious leaders and word of mouth, which is extremely limiting. It is essential to advertise on a global level to reach uncircumcised Jews in every nation.


Remarkable Growth and Achievements

Brit Yosef Yitzchak has circumcised over 29,000 Jews during the past 16 years—not including infants, of which there have been more than 10,000. The average annual increase in circumcisions is 25 – 35%. This growth is predominantly due to more generous sponsorships, an increased number of volunteers, and our expanding global network.